The only player affected should be the tank. To that end, your main tank will need to always have Illidan facing away from the raid, so they are the only player getting hit. And about the lock, its difficult to Illidan reach demon fase, if you have not enough dps (or youre trying to kill him 10 persons), a ranged dps can tank him perfectly with no SR, in a pug raid Ive seen a . The fight consists of five phases, and good positioning is the key to success. phase as Aura of Dread will quickly kill anyone in melee range of the Interestingly (again), a Warlock with high Shadow Resist can tank Illidan during the air phase. In both cases, youve seen all of Illidans most difficulties and youve persevered, so its highly unlikely that seeing them again will prevent you from coming out of this fight with some tasty loot. The fight consists of five phases, good positioning is the key to success. (lore) If you're tanking the second one it's recommended to be FR capped (365). As Illidan is a multiple phase fight, we will break down his abilities based 30 to 40 seconds into Phase 5, Maiev will teleport to 1 of 8 different pre-determined spots inside the arena and place a Cage Trap on the ground. Mother Shahraz different phases. This boss does very high tank damage, so be healing the tank at all times. Killing want to avoid being hit by Shear, tanks and melee should avoid patches 1. The blue flames deal significantly less damage than any fire AoE in this fight (your tanks will mitigate their damage to 500 Fire damage per second with their Fire Resistance) so your tanks can briefly move through them if necessary to reposition their Flame of Azzinoth. When below 30%, he switches between Phases 5 and 4. The Inferno Hardened leather gear sold by Geras in Shattrath on its own will net you 232 Fire Resistance when enchanted. This positioning makes it very easy for your Restoration Shamans and Holy Priests to heal all of the incoming raid damage. Supremus While Illidan is stunned, he will take double damage. Having high raid DPS will allow your raid to skip Phase 4, making this fight significantly easier, so really, no excuse not to. Illidan throws his glaives at the ground near the circular grate in the middle of the Temple Summit one one the east side, and one on the west side. If either of these rules are violated, the Flames will enrage (Uncaged Wrath) and wipe your raid. Icy Veins Discord. Your main tank will need to be very careful while moving him: deal with Shear as normal, never let Illidan attack your back, and never have him face the raid, as Draw Soul can ruin your day. It is recommended that you do not use a Fire Resistance item in your head slot, so you can use the Wolfshead Helm instead, allowing you to deal decent DPS while not tanking. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Protection Warriors offer tremendous utility during this fight anyway, as they can greatly reduce Illidans damage output with their Demoralizing Shout & Thunder Clap, so it will be good for you to have one here, even if they arent main tanking. make sure to top the raid up quickly and continue watching the tanks as these At 65% HP, Illidan will fly up The simplest method is to use three groups, spread out at the points of a triangle. 40 to 45 seconds into Phase 5, Illidan will enrage, increasing ALL of his damage done by 50% and his attack speed by 30% for 20 seconds. Illidan Stormrage requires a warlock with capped shadow resistance. The Flame of Azzinoth enrages, gaining 500% increased attack speed and 200% increased movement speed indefinitely. victory in this final battle. @SJFD. The Betrayer meditates on the court just beyond. Black Temple. Positioning for Phase 1 is very straightforward. Wait for this tank to Illidan Stormrage is a longer fight with many Your tank will have to be careful with moving him, never exposing his back and keeping up Shield Block / Holy Shield at all times, while players near the trap move away from it, as shown in the picture above. The Inferno Tempered plate gear sold by Geras in Shattrath on its own will net you 232 Fire Resistance when enchanted. (lore) This transition is signified by him leaping into the air, throwing his glaives at the ground around the circle in the middle of the temple summit (Throw Glaive / Throw Glaive) and then summoning 2 Flame of Azzinoth (Summon Tear of Azzinoth), one at each glaive. After a 1.5 second cast, Illidan applies a debuff to his current target, reducing their maximum HP by 60% for 7 seconds. Cast every ~90 seconds. That damage starts off relatively weak, at 1200 damage every 5 seconds, but increases by 1200 every 3 ticks causing the last 3 ticks to deal 4800 damage each. Illidans aura will pulse every 2 seconds, dealing 1000 Shadow damage to every player within 15 yards and applying a debuff to them, increasing their Shadow damage taken by 30% for 10 seconds. Have your Shadow Resistance tank stay at max range away from the boss and Similarly to Phase 3, Phase 4 can transition into 2 different phases: An aura that increases Illidans physical damage done by 500%. Do not use Frost Nova in this case, just nuke the spawns. Fire Resistance: the Warlock tank needs to hit the fire resist cap of 365 - raid-buffed - to maximize the number of resists against the level 73 raid boss. before DPSing as being in the wrong spot can easily get you and others Therefore only experienced raids should use the traps to speed up the encounter. Illidan will use this ability every 25 to 30 seconds. then summoned. To facilitate this, his threat is reset. Gurtogg Bloodboil Strategy Guide in Black Temple, High Warlord Naj'entus Strategy Guide in Black Temple, Shade of Akama Strategy Guide in Black Temple, 2. He will use Dark Barrage every 90 seconds, so itll help a lot if your raid has enough DPS to kill the Flames of Azzinoth before the second one comes out, as they are very lethal. Illidan Stormrage is the ninth and final boss you will encounter in Illidan will then remain untargetable & airborne during this phase, firing a barrage of spells at your raid, until both Flames of Azzinoth are defeated. If you handled Phase 2 successfully, Phase 3 will be an absolute breeze. Shear requires If you move Illidan to the trap, he will get stunned and take double damage for 15 seconds a huge boon for your raid. I will not be touched by rabble such as you! Furthermore, when the debuff expires 2 Parasitic Shadowfiends will spawn at that players location. Phase 2 begins with Illidan flying off and throwing his glaives at the ground near the grate in the middle of the room, with one on the west side, and the other on the east side. Protection Warriors Your ranged DPS and healers will never have to worry about it, as none of the patterns travel through the middle, where they should be standing. can be dodged, parried, or blocked, but it cannot miss. Avoid being in front of the boss at all times as the Draw Soul In particular, Mother Shahraz in the Black Temple requires all non-tanks to have very high Shadow Resistance to survive her many abilities. Note that Akama himself only helps you in this fight for the first 5-10 seconds. If anyone dies, they should wait until both Flames of Azzinoth are dead before being resurrected by Rebirth, Soulstone Resurrection or Reincarnation, otherwise the Flames will charge and kill them right away, wasting the res. However, if youve managed to get this far, you are likely going to beat Illidan; most groups will be able to kill him in the 60 seconds of Phase 5 with the help of Maievs Cage Trap, while the remaining groups will kill him during the 10 second long transition animation. Leotheras Fire Resistance Guide. InriSejenus 6 mo. If it doesnt look like youre going to skip Phase 4, your Warlock tank should move to their designated position and start spamming Searing Pain on Illidan for threat. No injuries reported. a while, so be sure to conserve Mana as much as possible. Each blade spawns a Flame of Azzinoth, when both flames are dead, Illidan lands and Phase 3 starts. The Shadow Demons will each pick a different target and stun them indefinitely with Paralyze, then start moving towards them. Thus, a tank that manages to reach a total of 101.8% total dodge, parry and block, will be guaranteed to avoid this attack. Shear, Flame Crash and Draw Soul are all basically mechanics strictly for your main tank to deal with. Mortal Strike or Wound Poison debuff on the boss, as San Jos Fire Dept. Phase Two is probably the hardest phase of the fight, requiring 2 tanks with Be wary, friends. The actual AoE is about 2 yards wider than the graphic. Illidan Stormrage is the final boss of the Black Temple. The enchanted Soulguard set on its own will net you 236 Shadow Resistance. Furthermore, a trail of blue Demon Fire will follow his eye beam, persisting for 75 seconds and dealing 2k Fire damage per second to anyone who touches them. This is why Protection Warriors have a slight edge over Protection Paladins when it comes to main tanking Illidan their Shield Wall makes handling Enrage significantly easier. Paladins and Druids should be similar but with their respective badge gear. Protection Paladins and Protection Warriors both make good Fire Resistance tanks. Move away from allies when afflicted with. Your healers will likely not have a good time here, but if theyre skilled enough, the first part of Phase 4 wont be too bad. Yes, Bears and Moonkin give Auras. These Shadowfiends only have 3500 HP and dont hit particularly hard, but if they survive long enough, they will cast Parasitic Shadowfiend themselves, infecting their target once more and starting a chain of never-ending Shadowfiends. As your tanks are preoccupied with tanking the Flames, they might not be able to notice the Eye Blast headed their way, so a ranged player in your raid with a better vantage point should be prepared to call out on voice which tank the beam is headed for. Illidan Warlock tank overview. When Illidan is at 30% health or below, the raid gets imprisoned for 30 seconds and a small cut-scene takes place, and the fight continues with Phase 5. If you find that your set barely doesnt get you to the amount of Fire Resistance youre aiming for, you could use the following enchants / gems: Warlocks tanking Illidans Demon Phase will have a slightly easier time gathering the Shadow Resistance gear necessary to tank him, as a lot of this gear is going to be necessary for the Mother Shahraz fight anyway. Everyone else will need to get spam healed by your healers, else theyre facing certain death. now continue to alternate between Phase Four and Phase Five until Illidan is wrong side. If you have 1 of each, it is recommended that you have the Protection Paladin pick up Fire Resistance gear while the Protection Warrior main tanks Illidan, as their strong defensive cooldowns give them a small edge there. Deals 8750 to 11,250 Shadow damage to Illidans current target and all players within 20 yards of that player. While your raid is fighting the Flames of Azzinoth, Illidan will be throwing a barrage of Fireballs at you. Maiev joins the fight, which sounds cooler than it is actually helpful, and then Illidan starts attacking you again. He targets a random player in your raid, and deals 2550 to 3450 Fire damage to them and any other player within 10 yards of the original target. Phase 5 is essentially a replacement of Phase 3. DISCLAIMER Your DPS players should be using flasks, buff food, etc for this fight. Allow the tank time to pickup the boss after the stun wears out and be ready to different playstyles to safely overcome this fight. 30 badges. Your healers will need to heal your tank even more while theyre moving, to heal off any unfortunate crits or extra attacks generated by parry haste. It can help if you slow them down with abilities like Frost Trap and Cone of Cold. Fire Resist Prot Paladin is a gear set from World of Warcraft. (2 Min Cooldown). However, Illidan will transition to Phase 5 if you get him down to 30% HP before that, allowing you to skip Phase 4 altogether. There, she will kneel down and place a Cage Trap. At 30% health, Maiev arrives to assist in handling the Betrayer's final efforts to overpower his foes. Shadow resistance gear is needed by everyone for multiple different bosses. Furthermore, the Flame of Azzinoth tanks will need to be careful while kiting the glaives around to avoid Blaze, kiting them in a circular pattern, as explained in the Phase 2 section. You will want to kill the Shadowfiends ASAP to prevent them from multiplying and overwhelming your raid. The main tank should make sure they have 101.8% combined parry, dodge and block combined while their Shield Block / Holy Shield is active in order to nullify Shear, or they will likely die. cast will kill anyone near you. Each tank must keep his Flame faced away from the raid at all times, while at the same time staying close enough to the Blades of Azzinoth. Phase 4 plays completely differently to every other phase, and your raid will have to position as follows: There is a threat reset at the start of this phase to facilitate the necessity of switching a tank. Illidan jumps high in the air and comes crashing down, dealing 925 to 1075 Fire damage to every player within 10 yards of his original location, and then summoning a 10-yard radius patch of blue flame on the ground, lasting 2 minutes. Phase 3 introduces two new 25 man Raids, Black Temple and Mount Hyjal. Fire Resistance Gear for Protection Paladins While doing Molten Core and Blackwing Lair, it is possible you will need some Fire Resistance gear, especially for Ragnaros and Vaelastrasz the Corrupt. Permanently adds 20 Fire resistance to a head slot item. They are Demon type enemies with 1.15 million HP each, and their attacks deal 8-10k Fire damage each, which is why you will need tanks with capped Fire Resistance to tank them regular tanks will simply die in 2 hits. Also be sure to avoid standing in any After the burst, players have about 15 seconds to move around and kill demons, and 5 seconds to get back to their places before the next Flame Burst. The Flames will periodically cast Flame Blast, killing anyone who is not a Fire Resistance tank in front of them, which is why they can never be allowed to face your raid. Thus it will be extremely important that every player in your raid is at more than 5 yards away from every other player during Phase 4, so nobody gets hit twice. use any instant-cast heals on them. When you get Illidan down to 30% HP, he will trap your entire raid in Shadow Prison, stunning all of you for 30 seconds. Be ready to heal your tank quickly and wait For this reason, your Fire Resistance tank will need to keep kiting them in a circular-ish pattern, as shown in the picture above. should be playing safe and aiming to survive. One plan is to use [Shield Wall] on the first enrage, and [Last Stand] plus trinkets on the second. The main thing you need to do is make sure you have sufficient Shadow resistance to be able to tank him as Illidan continually blasts you with heavy Shadow damage. prioritized to, see the links below. Additionally, many raids will additionally require a Warlock tank with Shadow Resistance gear in order to tank Illidans Demon Form, known as Phase 4, but this requirement can be bypassed by raids with decent damage output and 3-4 Shamans using Heroism / Bloodlust at the same time. throughout the entire fight. well as a Warlock tank with Shadow Resistance gear. Illidan will stay in Phase 5 for 60 seconds, then transform into his Demon Form, starting Phase 4, before transitioning back to Phase 5 60 seconds later. Illidan uses it every 25 to 30 seconds, so twice every Phase 3/5, so youll barely even notice it if youre spread out enough. spread out to avoid the Agonizing Flames from hitting too many players into the air and Phase 2 will begin. The time has come to face Illidan, . This can be highly problematic because he only resets threat when naturally transitioning to and from Phase 4 due to the timer Phase 4 to Phase 5 does not result in a threat transition, meaning the players on top of the threat meter at the end of Phase 4 are likely going to suffer a horrible death as soon as Phase 5 starts. Contents 1 Abilities 1.1 Normal Form (Phases 1, 3 and 5) 1.2 Flying (Phase 2) Note that both of your Fire Resistance tanks should be crit immune in their Fire Resistance sets the Flame of Azzinoth hit hard. All raid members should set up well distributed, at least 6 yards away from each other, to avoid extra damage from Flame Burst. The Flames of Azzinoth will spawn a new flame every 10 seconds, so coupled with their 1 minute duration this means you can have up to 12 flames on the ground at a time, covering a very large part of the arena. Your tanks and melee DPS need to be aware of this ability and move out of its path, else they will die. This is why positioning mirrors Phase 1, except ranged players are spread out, to avoid having multiple players all get hit by the same Agonizing Flames. While the damage of this ability isnt too bad, the healing component is absolutely massive, and should thus be avoided at all costs. Lasts for all of Phase 4. Fast reaction is crucial if the target cannot use a damage avoiding ability like [Feign Death], [Ice Block], [Divine Shield] etc. The pieces we list below are the ones that grant significant Fire Resistance and do not drop from the raids themselves. Use: Tap into the power of the skull, increasing haste by 83 for 20 sec. Positioning becomes a bit easier by using the /range 5 command on raid boss addons like DBM. Make sure to Think you need above 350ish (buffed) for that fight. "You must gather your party before venturing forth". Illidan will target a random player in the raid and apply a debuff to them lasting 10 seconds, dealing 3000 Shadow damage to them every 2 seconds. This gets them to 293 Fire Resistance, or 363 with Fire Resistance Totem or Fire Resistance Aura, with the cap being 365. a barrage of different spells that the raid needs to be ready to handle During Phase 4, Illidan will no longer use any of his previous abilities, instead gaining brand new abilities and a massive 500% boost to his physical damage done, which is why you require a ranged player (typically a Warlock) to tank him. resources at the ready to pick the boss up as soon as he resets his threat. San Jose first explored safe parking programs in 2019 at the Seven Trees Community Center parking lot. If they reach their target, they will instantly kill them with Consume Soul before picking another target to Paralyze and repeating this chain until your entire raid is dead hence your raid must focus them down ASAP. Use: Shows the location of all nearby demons on the minimap until cancelled. face them away from the raid at all times. From the point where Illidan kneels down, the warlock tank should set up quite a distance away in one direction, while the melee group should move far away in the other direction (melee cannot DPS Illidan during this phase, as Shadow Blast and Aura of Dread make it impossible to move into range). Illidan Stormrage is the ninth and final boss you will encounter in the The only mechanic that player besides the tank will really have to deal with here will be Parasitic Shadowfiend, with your raid healers having to keep that target up. I have gone onto the PTR on two occasions to test out . Illidan is one of the harder-hitting bosses in the game, dealing high damage Lastly, about halfway through the phase, Illidan will summon multiple The fight consists of five phases, and good positioning is the key to success. There is a catch however: this ability is a regular physical attack, and can be completely mitigated by dodge, parry and block. If Illidan targets the side that melee DPS players are on with it, they should move to the other Flame of Azzinoth or simply stop stealing damage if the other Flame is dead. Your melee DPS meanwhile should switch target if the Eye Blast is coming towards the Flame of Azzinoth theyre currently attacking. Illidan Stormrage is the ninth and final boss you will encounter in the Black Temple. Teron Gorefiend All of Illidans abilities do splash damage, and you likely have 1 or 2 players with the Agonizing Flames from Phase 3/5. Maiev Shadowsong and drag the boss over it to stun him for a brief time. Note: Theres a bug with the aggro table of the Flames of Azzinoth in this phase. To 11,250 Shadow damage to Illidans current target and all players within 20 yards of that player as! Bit easier by using the /range 5 command on raid boss addons like DBM Azzinoth, when both Flames dead. Be throwing a barrage of Fireballs at you everyone else will need to get spam healed your. 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